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Security Analyst

Security Analyst

Job Description

Security Analysts must be able to protect a computer's network from cyber threats or other types of security breaches. They assess the system and test it for any potential risks, which means they should be able to predict an incident and plan a defense response. Analysts need to always be aware of any breaches and be able to respond to them accordingly at any time.

Possible Employers

Many Security Analyst work for important organiztions, business and financial companies, consulting firms, and of course for computer companies. Since all of these companies and organizati ons are very important, the analyst should be well knowledgeable with their occupation and have a good amount of experience.


In order to become a security analyst, while here is no set degree that one must attain, it is recommended that one has at least a bachelor's degree in computer science, cyber security, programming, or some other related field when applying for positions for most employers. However, experience, training, and quality certifications are also factors that will be taken into account for these career fields. In fact, most employers will actually ask for a minimum of 1-5 years of experience as a starting qualification.

Other Important Factors

Due to the fact that information security is always advancing with new forms and ways to break through computer protections, it is important for one to be aware that this is a field that requires for the analyst to always be up to date. Thus, one must not only be an expert on different programming languages and anti-virus and anti-malware that is current, but also be able to identify and react accordingly to new information that is constantly being created.

Salaries and Benefits

As of 2015, the average wage for security analysts was $90,120, however the current trend of this number is steadily increasing upwards. The 75th percentile of their salary is actually $113,990, so it is not too difficult to understand that this is quite a well paying career. Also, since this is a career path that is expected to grow 18 percent from 20-14 to 2024, unlike other fields there is the assurance that employment will always be needed for quite another while.

Degree Information